WANTED: Readers of the old west. Featuring Chief Piapot, Horse Theif, Cattle Rustler, Train Robber & Diplomat.
Chief Piapot, a great plains Chief who lived through the land grabbing 1870’s, was known on the plains as a fearless warrior, diplomat, shaman, cattle rustler and horse thief. This novel offers an account of the trials and tribulations of the Assiniboine, Cree, Sioux, and Blackfoot plains Indians. It is about the coming of the Northwest Mounted Police in 1874 to the Cypress Hills, the slaughter of buffalo so great it almost led to their extinction and the coming of the Canadian Pacific Railroad in 1881. The book gives accounts of Chief Sitting Bull and his escape to Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan, Canada after he defeated the US army at the Little Big Horn. Also, it makes mention of the friendship of Sitting Bull, Chief Piapot, and Superintendent James Marrow Walsh of the Northwest Mounted Police, who in 1874, built the fort in the Cypress Hills which was named Fort Walsh. This book does not pull any punches! It outlines Chief Piapot’s revenge against the wolf hunters and whiskey traders who were responsible for the Cypress Hills Massacre. Piapot also took on the railroad and the Northwest Mounted Police.

$30.00 (tax included)

In the late 1870’s Chief Piapot had Dalton build a mountain village in the mountains near the Yankee border and in 1879 he sent the dog warriors to the mountains. Piapot named Three Killer Chief of the mountain village. As the village grew in numbers and other chiefs were appointed, Piapot made Three Killer Chief of Chiefs. When Three Killer died in 1889, Piapot sent for Dalton and made him Chief of Chiefs. There was a previous power struggle which lead to the massacre of several young warriors by a rancher called McAllister. Dalton requested permission to slaughter the rancher and Piapot gave him permission with conditions. The first priority was to put all the mountain people, under the age of fifty-five years, on the plains with new identification. The second priority was to find the traitor who helped McAllister before the traitor went to the Police for protection. This novel takes many twists and turns as Dalton carries out the instructions. A new hero emerges as he orders the killing of the traitors and the McAllister gunfighters

$30.00 (tax included)

In 1904, Chief Dalton and several of his riders are commissioned by the Canadian government to deliver a United States criminal to Kansas City, Missouri in exchange for a Canadian women facing criminal charges. Dalton agrees to the Canadian terms and heads south with the United States criminal. There are many twists and turns as Dalton arrives in Kansas City, Missouri. The Pinkertons, who are commissioned by the United States government have no intentions of honoring the exchange. After getting acquainted with his relatives. Dalton enlists several of them to assists him in getting his Canadian prisoner to Canada. Dalton must hide and work in secrecy as he runs up against perverts. Pinkertons and several lawmen in Kansas City, Missouri. The Pinkertons pursue the train as it heads north to Canada and a massacre takes place in North Dakota. There is disappointment and despair as the Canadian secret agents bury the dead.

$30.00 (tax included)




$30.00 (tax included)

$10.00 (tax included)


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The Grabber - 3-pack

Frontier Book Company has added an inexpensive golf item called the Grabber, by Vincent McKay who worked with the University of Saskatchewan engineers to complete it’s development. The ‘Grabber’ can be attached to any golf club and retrieves golf balls from cups, water, bushes, and other hard-to-reach places.

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